Edit timestamped gaze positions
Whatever eye data comes from a file on disk or from a live stream, timestamped gaze positions are required before going further.
Import timestamped gaze positions from CSV file
It is possible to load timestamped gaze positions from a Pandas DataFrame object which can be loaded from a CSV file.
from argaze import GazeFeatures
import pandas
# Load gaze positions from a CSV file into Panda Dataframe
dataframe = pandas.read_csv('gaze_positions.csv', delimiter=",", low_memory=False)
# Convert Panda dataframe into timestamped gaze positions precising the use of each specific column labels
ts_gaze_positions = GazeFeatures.TimeStampedGazePositions.from_dataframe(dataframe, timestamp = 'Recording timestamp [ms]', x = 'Gaze point X [px]', y = 'Gaze point Y [px]')
# Iterate over timestamped gaze positions
for timestamped_gaze_position in ts_gaze_positions:
# Do something with each timestamped gaze position
Edit timestamped gaze positions from live stream
Real-time gaze positions can be edited using directly the GazePosition class. Besides, timestamps can be edited from the incoming data stream or, if not available, they can be edited using the Python time package.
from argaze import GazeFeatures
# Assuming to be inside the function where timestamp_µs, gaze_x and gaze_y values are catched
# Define a timestamped gaze position converting microsecond timestamp into second timestamp
timestamped_gaze_position = GazeFeatures.GazePosition((gaze_x, gaze_y), timestamp=timestamp_µs * 1e-6)
# Do something with each timestamped gaze position
from argaze import GazeFeatures
import time
# Initialize timestamp
start_time = time.time()
# Assuming to be inside the function where only gaze_x and gaze_y values are catched (no timestamp)
# Define a timestamped gaze position with millisecond timestamp
timestamped_gaze_position = GazeFeatures.GazePosition((gaze_x, gaze_y), timestamp=int((time.time() - start_time) * 1e3))
# Do something with each timestamped gaze position
Free time unit
Timestamps can either be integers or floats, seconds, milliseconds or what ever you need. The only concern is that all time values used in further configurations have to be in the same unit.